Welcome to our prayer page! 

Please add your prayer requests, and don't forget to come back and add your praises! 

If you wish for your prayer request to remain private, please email us at prayer@bethesdaclayon.com


My brother, Dave, will be getting a second opinion for his cancer. Please pray doctors will be guided by God to help him with his cancer. treatments


Please pray for President Trump. Please pray for his speedy recovery and continued safety.


John and Elvis Farr's daughter has had her cancer return. They are starting chemo again. Please be in prayer for her and the family.


Prayers for my brothers, Claude, he is in a nursing home due to a stroke, & Stanley who is suffering from aggressive jaw cancer


Hey all, if you could be in prayer for my cousin. Her 5 month old was just diagnosed with Tuberous Sclerosis, which I hadn’t heard before. There’s no cure but it’s not necessarily a terminal disease. They’re understandably scared and overwhelmed. Please pray for God’s will and peace only He can bring in situations where we ask why.

Remember our HomeBound members

  • Doris peele

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  • Jerry and Louise Gilmore

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  • Ann king

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